Moving on happily.

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I hate to fight. I like to love. I never fight, except against difficulties. An I will fight for what I love. I could succeed at many different things if i put my mind to them. I had too many choices. And because of overloaded choices, it's difficult for me to commit any of them. Im cautious towards every single thing. Life is hard, mine's harder because im stupid. I live for the peoples i loved. I get very hurt over the littlest things, and will cry on an instant you hurt my feelings. Yet, I am so easy to please. I'm easy to please but doesnt mean i'm easy to be bullied. I am fat, short, ugly and irritating max. I am me, and that's all I can be. Mixe, Weiting,Mel's my dearest.
: JiaQian > Melinda > WeiTing > HuiLin > Jacqueline






thanks for making me fedup. I wont stay for long.

FYI, she's the one, guiding me, teaching me and stuffs.
she's my boss. isn't she pretty ? :D

I've start working since last week. 
i've worked for one whole week. It's ......... 
And yes, omg. what happened today was REALLY REALLY ridiculous. 
Went hotel inn with mum, and her friend. after that cab to chinatown. 
they shopped, i bored. And ........ Me & my mum quarrelled. mothafucker.
As tho we're playing shooting game, on streets. -.- 
Im super pekcek with her, TOTALLY.
I'd rather she send me in then letting me facing all others problems @ home.
Quarrel on streets, huge bunch of ppls watching. they're like, commenting. 
Ah, fuck. ppl quarrel wanna see for what ? i know, its dam loud. so what? Can't ignore ah? -'- 
Singaporeans are really really KPO. What's good being a KPO? Having more money? 
How much does you'all earn? iwould definately pay you all more dhen the person paid you all. Z

I know, my attitude is getting from bad to worst.