Moving on happily.

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I hate to fight. I like to love. I never fight, except against difficulties. An I will fight for what I love. I could succeed at many different things if i put my mind to them. I had too many choices. And because of overloaded choices, it's difficult for me to commit any of them. Im cautious towards every single thing. Life is hard, mine's harder because im stupid. I live for the peoples i loved. I get very hurt over the littlest things, and will cry on an instant you hurt my feelings. Yet, I am so easy to please. I'm easy to please but doesnt mean i'm easy to be bullied. I am fat, short, ugly and irritating max. I am me, and that's all I can be. Mixe, Weiting,Mel's my dearest.
: JiaQian > Melinda > WeiTing > HuiLin > Jacqueline






You gave me everything just by breathing.

Ytd alicia came my house. Blahblahblah till 5plus?
Dhen i went bathed. @6plus head to 338 meet moon mars & jialin. 
Around 9plus sent mars home. Aftthat train to yishun with alicia, find timmie. 
& trained till amk find her friends. Amk so big, cant even find a mamashop that sell G. 
Alicia went home. 11plus, me & timmie  bus to hougang.
@thebustop, i dropped one $10 note. & ONE BLOODY AUNTI TOOK.-'-
Reached hougang, blahblahblah. Bought vodka, shared. LOL.
@ 2.30am Those guys went watch soccer while me & timmie rotting @ playground. 
Wow, people was like shouting for goal & etc. LaughMyAssOut !!!!!!!!!
Match ended, One big grp went into 7-11 during midnight, to kappo things. Madpro. 
Headed to punggol park, they played games witha beer,vodka & idk what. Funny. :O
& ya, 7am ++ ? Alot aunti uncles came do what taiji or what. Made me&timmie laughdie.
One indian guy super funny, standed behind those uncles aunti,doing the same style as them.
And he asked his another indian friend to take a picture 4 him. His friend told him
" Aya, you too black cnnt see u." TOTALLY LMAO LA. I think his friend is blacker.
waited bus so long. Finally reached wdl, ate kfc's breadfeast. Ewkz. After that homed. @9++. 
Madtired, not enough sleep, homeworks not done. OHMY :((((((