Ytd alicia came my house. Blahblahblah till 5plus?
Dhen i went bathed. @6plus head to 338 meet moon mars & jialin.
Around 9plus sent mars home. Aftthat train to yishun with alicia, find timmie.
& trained till amk find her friends. Amk so big, cant even find a mamashop that sell G.
Alicia went home. 11plus, me & timmie bus to hougang.
@thebustop, i dropped one $10 note. & ONE BLOODY AUNTI TOOK.-'-
Reached hougang, blahblahblah. Bought vodka, shared. LOL.
@ 2.30am Those guys went watch soccer while me & timmie rotting @ playground.
Wow, people was like shouting for goal & etc. LaughMyAssOut !!!!!!!!!
Match ended, One big grp went into 7-11 during midnight, to kappo things. Madpro.
Headed to punggol park, they played games witha beer,vodka & idk what. Funny. :O
& ya, 7am ++ ? Alot aunti uncles came do what taiji or what. Made me&timmie laughdie.
One indian guy super funny, standed behind those uncles aunti,doing the same style as them.
And he asked his another indian friend to take a picture 4 him. His friend told him
" Aya, you too black cnnt see u." TOTALLY LMAO LA. I think his friend is blacker.
waited bus so long. Finally reached wdl, ate kfc's breadfeast. Ewkz. After that homed. @9++.
Madtired, not enough sleep, homeworks not done. OHMY :((((((